Archives par mot-clé : balance community

Urban Highline World Record attempt

Ryan Robinson de la team Balance Community à tenté de battre le record du monde de highline urbaine à Montréal il y a quelques jours. C’est dans un cadre exceptionnel et sous une foule en délire que l’athlète parvint à traverser une ligne de 306m en seulement 6 catchs ! Pas de validation mais toute même une performance honorable compte tenu de la pression du spectacle …

ryan Pour plus d’infos et pour une vidéo c’est ici :

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700ft, 200m highline !

Et un de plus ! Ryan Robinson vient de rentrer à son tour dans le 200m (700ft) club en highline !! Il a en effet réalisé la seconde traversée de la line de l’ancien record de Jerry Miszewski !! Il nous raconte son histoire :


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Un printemps avec Jed !

Vous connaissez surement déjà Jediah, l’anglais fou furieux qui fait partie des meilleurs highlineurs du monde, il a récemment intégré la PRO-team Balance Community et vient de sortir une video! Il nous en dit un peu plus :

« Hey Chocoslack,

Two months of spring hurtled passed me amidst a whire of slacklife as categorised by: gear talk, spending time with good friends, new rigging concepts, sessioning longlining and smilining/bouncelining and waterlining and highlining, meeting new people, establishing new lines and living in my van. Parts of southern Germany and Switzerland are featured in this film. I learned a lot along the way and am so stoked on the direction that slacklining seems to be going. Rad-sag-swag is my favourite kind of awesome.

So sit back, crack open that bar of chocolate you’ve been saving and I hope you enjoy some documentation of my most recent adventures!

Love »


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Balance Community Primitive PRO Slackline Kit

Jerry nous présente le nouveau kit Primitive Pro de Balance Community. Super leger avec tout de même des matériaux de top qualité. Parfait pour prendre en road trip.

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Une nouvelle aire pour les bananas

La réputation de Jerry Miszewski en tant qu’innovateur n’a une fois de plus pas mentit !!
Une des dernières nouveautés de Balance Community est l’ « Alpine Weblock 4.0″, un banana de qualité.
En effet, il regroupe un nombre important de point fort qui en font un bijoux pratique ! Car on le sait tous, rare sont les bananas qui s’adaptent à TOUS les connecteurs, mais on dirait que l’Alpine Weblock en fait partie.  Grâce à son ouverture d’attache bien plus grande que la normale, il S’ADAPTE ! A tel point qu’on peut même y connecter directement l’élingue avec un nœud spécial comme Slacktech l’explique pour son Ram’Lock  dans cette vidéo :
L’esthétisme est lui aussi travaillé avec des couleurs plus fraiches que jamais, de même que les finissions qui sont à couper le souffle…
Cependant, une telle innovation, ca se paye, et c’est 113 euros !
Jerry nous en dit quelques mots :

« There is one feature that has always been the number one thing that I want to strive for in the design of the weblock: versatility. Throughout the various iterations of the AWL, we have been making the device more and more versatile. Now, with the 4.0, having the ability to anchor the device with an extremely wide variety of connectors and directly to spansets and static rope anchors, it’s more versatile than ever before.
On top of the extreme versatility of the device, it’s also fantastic for highline rigging. Having the ability to attach various backups to the anchor hole as well as stack 2 weblocks on top of each other for mainline / backup rigging makes your highline anchor so much cleaner and safer!
This design has been a massive undertaking for me with close to 40 iterations and countless hours of testing and concept development. Not to mention, the 6 years of development of the webbing anchor concept that went into the ground-work for this design. I’m very excited to share this design with the community. I believe it will make the anchoring and rigging process much more enjoyable as well as simplifying everything within your anchoring system, thus making it safer. »
De ce coté là, Landcruising prépare aussi un petit quelque chose, affaire à suivre …
lynx 4
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Une nouvelle aire dans la manille : Balance Community

Avant de vous communiquer notre petit article sur le tout nouveau banana de Balance Community, voilà la dernière innovation de Jerry, la nouvelle manille Balance Community.
Au premier abord, elle parait plus fine qu’à l’habitude, et comme le dit Jerry, grâce à ses dimensions elle est capable de s’adapter à tout style montage. C’est donc un argument plus que recevable; car on sait tous que trouver un connecteur qui s’adapte à tous les éléments du montage, et dans le sens approprié, ce n’est pas une mince a faire. Ici, c’est pensé par un slackeur pour les slackeur, alors forcement ça change des simples manilles du magasin de bricolage.
Pour commander ce bijoux de versatilité, et en savoir plus sur les dimensions, c’est ici :
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The Faith Dickey interview

That Slackline girl, and not any girl… She is the best female in our community, and one of the best highliner in the world. She understood that slackline is not a matter of muscles or gender, but it’s about passion, boldness, patience and willpower. She is popular, but abordable, she does crazy things but she is smart, she does free solo but she speaks in conference, she lives free but she cares about causes, she can slack alone but she organizes events, she is dead serious but do mindblowing stunts, she is an artist, she does free solo, she climbs, she does skydive, she highlines with costumes, with high heels,  under the rain ! she is one of the outstanding extreme sport athletes of the 21th century ! Austin should someday have a street named after her.


Tell us who you are ? 

My name is Faith Dickey, I am 26 years old, a professional slackliner for a living, a vagabond at heart, and a beginner ukulele player.

Where are you from and where do you leave now ?

I am born and raised in Texas, where I am still a resident, and I live part time in California on the central coast.

What do you love most about your hometown ?

Austin is great! I think I love the live music and the food the most.

How do you enjoy slacklife ?

I love living my passion. My world revolves around equilibrium and the experience on the line. The sport of highline takes me to beautiful and unusual places, where I experience new cultures, languages and foods, and then I get to be in space, where normally only birds fly.

Do you manage to live by only being a pro slack athletes ? 

I often tell people being a pro-slackliner just means that your gear is worth more than your bank account.

Since how long do you slack and how did you discovered slackline ?

I’m a slackliner since 2008 and a highliner since 2009. I found slacklining in my hometown of Austin, Texas, at a park, and highline entered my life when I went to Europe to travel.


How did you enter into Balance community ? Was it your first sponsor ?

Originally I was sponsored by Gibbon, but after a few years of cooperation it was apparent that it was not a good fit, as highline was not the focus of their company. I have known Jerry (the owner of BC) for years and consider him to be an inspirational character with lots of integrity, so I was honored and happy when he offered to sponsor me!

You are the most accomplished and famous slack female. How is it like to be a girl in the slack community ?

To be a girl in the slackline community is similar to be a girl in all outdoor sports where there is a male majority. It has its benefits and disadvantages. I strive to change perceptions of gender and behavior resulting from social conditioning, and I look forward to a day when there is balance in participants of outdoor and extreme sports.

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How was it to do the volvo truck video ? Was is hard to do it ? and how many tries did it take to walk the line on full speed ? 

The volvo stunt was one of the most difficult lines I’ve walked, though I lost count of how many attempts it took. The rehearsal and shoot lasted 2 weeks, with many attempts. Normally I am the one moving the highline, and in this case the movements were unpredictable and caused by two moving trucks! I enjoyed the experience but I prefer the mountains.

The longest line you ever walked: highline and longline, free solo ?

My longest Highline is 350ft long, my longest longline is 728ft, and my longest highline free solo is 92ft long.

What did you do last sunday ?

Last Sunday I walked and derigged the famous Yosemite Falls Highline, then hiked down the 3.5 mile steep descent.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be ?

It is a hard question! I guess I would choose to always be aware of my ego and not let it direct my emotions, words or behavior. I could use some more patience too!

A phrase you say often is :

Come On!

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A common misconception about yourself is :

That I am fearless. 

Your biggest fear is :

Losing people I love, being alone and death.

Your biggest worry is :

That changes daily.

Your biggest weakness is :

Ice Cream.

A guilty pleasure of yours is :


An excuse you use often is :

I’ll do it tomorrow. 

Something you could use more of in life is :


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Something in your refrigerator ?

Hot Sauce and Butter, always.

What country would you most like to visit ?

At the moment, Madagascar and Cuba.

What webbing do you usually use ?


Your favorite possession is :

My Ukulele

Your first thoughts upon waking up are ?

That depends on the day!

What passion did you have before slacklining ?

Fashion Design and Art. 


The last meal you ate was :

Creamy Salmon Pasta.

The last text message you sent was :

« That Too 😉 »

The best advice you’ve ever received was :

It is what it is, Let it be, and This too shall pass.

The best word to describe your life is ?


What quality do you admire most in other people ?

Patience, ease.

One mistake you’ve done rigging a line ?

Forgetting the leash.

Highline should be completely free or there should be rules ?

There should be protocol, etiquette and ethics, like in Climbing.

You think free solo is :


Where did you travel during 2014 and what are your best slackline memories ?

I traveled to the Puget Sound, in Washington (US), Yosemite Valley and Joshua Tree, California (US), Austin, Texas (US) Moab, Utah (US) and in Europe I traveled in Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland. My best slackline memories are in most of these places—Yosemite is always humbling, Europe is always wonderful, and Moab is where I beat my record with great friends!

What goals would you like to achieve this year ?

400ft Highline, 1000ft longline, better self-marketing, more surfing.

Do you like chocolate ?

I love chocolate. Dark chocolate is my favorite!

Last word :

Advice for beginners: Keep taking steps, no matter how shaky, and when you are absolutely exhausted and cannot possible go any further, try one more time.


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Primitive tensioning strap by Jerry

On le sait tous, l’inconvénient d’un montage en primitiv’, c’est que l’on perd de la longueur de sangle à marcher car une importante partie y passe dans le système de tension! Et bien notre ami Jerry a trouvé l’alternative idéale à cet inconvénient : des bouts de sangle avec une double boucle afin de confectionner son primitiv’ indépendamment de votre sangle ! Cela à l’avantage de minimiser l’usure de la sangle !
Le bout de sangle en question c’est 9m de la fameuse Aero de Balance Community.
Jerry vous explique comment le mettre en place :

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Jerry Miszewski the myth, the legend and the geek


Jerry est sans aucun doute l’un des meilleurs slackleurs du moment. D’où vient-il, que faisait-il avant ? Et bien cette video répondra à ces questions.

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Le nouveau Selma Fid from Balance Community


Balance Community a encore une fois une longueur d’avance sur ses concurrents quand il s’agit de sortir des produits surprenants.

Le Selma Fid est une sorte d’aiguille à tricoter. Elle s’adresse aux slackeurs experts avertis qui sont méticuleux et aiment personnaliser leurs produits.

Cette aiguille est utilisée par tous ceux qui souhaitent faire des boucles de cordes scellées. C’est dans la marine que l’on observe ça. Ce n’est pas un instrument à manier à la légère.

Il est donc recommandé de s’entrainer avec des cordes d’escalade ou des grosses cordes de bateau.

Balance Community propose 3 tailles à des prix abordables de 7€ à 10€. C’est a priori inusable en plus d’être divertissant à utiliser. C’est à tester pour tous les amoureux du tricotage !

Demain on vous explique dans les pro tips comment tricoter une boucle


Pour acheter l’aiguille, c’est ici :

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