
Chocoslack was created by passionate of slackline who wants to reunite in a one website and thanks to a unique clic all the new information about slackline worldwide. New webbing, new bananas, pulleys, slings, events, videos, records, spots, professional … all the news in our website : jumpline, slackline, treeline, highline, waterline, longline, hybride, polyester, nylon… everything goes through chocoslack. We have even decided to go further and to create our own content by testing products, interviewing pros, and revealing specialists advices.

If you are a passionned slackliner, highliner, waterliner, jumpliner, treeliner, longliner, this website is for you. Share it and comment our articles in order that as many opinions as possible can be exchange. We are judging independantly so you should be free to make your own judgment. If you love slacklife you’ll love Chocoslack.

Slackline news is important for everyone to be aware and informed about the evolutions of the sport. Having the most important information on a unique platform is a chance and give us the opportunity to know what is happening without needing to surf on dozens of website. We are searching for you, and put it back on chocoslack. Slackline is fully part of our life and we would like to share new technics, events, material that are been developped as well as performance of everyone. In the tab « news », every day you will get news that deserves to be seen. The tab « Products Review » is only for tests and news about material : bananas, locks, slings, carabiners, slings, pulleys, …In the tab « spots » you will find the biggest highline spots while in the tab « video » you will find all posts with a video. « Pro tips » are advices given by professionnel to become a better slackliner, including rigging technics. « Interviews », you guessed it is a category for the professionnal or well known slackliner that are interviewd. « Agenda » is the place for events that you should not miss : festival, contests, important meetings. Finaly, « records » is where you will find numbers about longline, waterline, and highline depending of the webbing : hybride, polyester, polyamide. Then you can compare yourself to the best slackliner in the world !

Chocoslack is a passionnated team and the website was born in 2014 in order to make community able to be inspired by what happens in slacklining in the world. We are walking on lines and love to play with balance. Slackline world is about pure feelings, fights against yourself, controlling the fear and it’s fascinating.

We would like to remind you that slackline can be dangerous so we recommand you to be wise in your activity, especially in highline. Chocoslack can’t be responsible in case of accident or any harm. Any information on chocoslack.com is only given to inform you and could never be a standard to follow. We gives idea and everyone is then free to follow it or not. We are all responsible for ourselves.

Chocoslack was created in 2014 by 2 friends : Thomas Revest and Pablo Signoret who are slackliners since 2009. Their passion for slackline pushed them to create this website in order to allow everyone to have daily, fresh news about slackline and to follow what happens in the world.

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