Tag Archives: slacktivity

New Soft rig plate Slacktivity

The latest Slacktivity product is out : the Soft Rig Plate.

soft rig plate


it’s a soft rigging plate. It’s a new concept since it was only in metal before.

The best part : it’s light -> 42 grammes . It also fits easily in any bag. If you like light product, this one is for you. To get an idea, the closest product in the market is the Petzl PAW S which weight  55 grammes. There isn’t a big gap between them, but when you save weight on each of your belongings that you carry, then it can make a 1kg different. It’s worth it when you carry you pack in the mountain or in the plane.

It’s also really cheap compared to an alu plate : only 14,95 € . The PAW petzl costs 20€. This means it’s only 0,35 cents per gramme : soft or alu are worth the same.

The weakness is the strentgth : only 6Kn WLL. Usuallyalu plate between 36Kn and 45 KN WLL. It’s a big gap. The other question is how long this product can be used. Since it’s soft you will damage it faster than a metal connector. In the other hand if you drop it on a rock, it won’t be broken such as an alu connector.

This Soft rig plate from Slackivity is awesome for those who like light product and not too much tension. An excellent idea from the R&D Slacktivity team !

Available here  :



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the Samuel Volery, the 537m and the lightning

Samuel Volery set up a highline to break the world record this summer but a lightning broke the line. Unreal !A must watch

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Slackline World Record by Samuel Volery – 440m Longline on Polyester

Samuel did 14m more than the previous record! Congrat and well done.

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How to use a SoftRelease from Slacktivity Slacklines

Samuel never stops ! Great tutorial once again

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10 different starts

New ho to from Samuel Volery,: ten different way to stand up on a slackline

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New linegrip alu

Here it is ! Eventually, slack.fr sell their own line-grip ! Moreover, it’s in aluminium, so very light. This tool, if you don’t know it yet, is used in order to remove the tensioning system of the line, by « holding » it. Like a prussik would do on a rope, but keeping the webbing flat so that it does not get damaged. Also useful in highlining, helps you to stay light, going with only this tool and a highslide to tension. Nice colors ! On the website page you can find a video that explains how to use it
And, moreover, slacktivity produce now the same available in Switzerland and soon worldwide :
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How to use the Slacktivity Longline pulley-system

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Slackline Bounces with Samuel Volery

Samuel Volery qui test un nouveau prototype de Slacktivity : la Marathon sur 290m de midline ! Il respire la créativité, innove, et nous montre a tous une fois encore que la Slackline n’a pas fini de se développer…

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the final bounce – Slacktivity new webbing

Samuel Volery never stops ! He is testing a new Slacktivity webbing in Italy : 290m water. Nice cost…

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How to assist a beginner

We all like Samuel Volery’s “know how”. His new video is really useful for all of us, as he teaches you how to assist a beginner. He has his own technic and it works”

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